Celebrate your birthday, anniversary, or wedding with a Facebook Fundraiser!

Having an anniversary celebration and you have requested no gifts? Getting married and instead of party favors you want to donate to your favorite charity? Everybody wants to celebrate you on your birthday? We have a great idea! Hold a Facebook Fundraiser for QCAWC!
Facebook fundraiser 1

Log in to your Facebook. 

On your smartphone search "Fundraiser."

Hit the "+ Create Fundraiser."  Choose "non-profit organization." Select Nonprofit - in Search Bar and enter "The Quad City Animal Welfare Center."

Edit "Fundraiser Title" and name your fundraiser. This is the fun part! for a title, you could use "Happy Birthday to ME!", 

 "Description" - Add the information about your celebration! You should also mention how making a donation will help save the lives of homeless animals. 

Set your $$$ goal amount. 

Choose your end date. We suggest your fundraiser running for about three weeks. 

You can edit the picture and upload a personal picture.

Hit "Create." Have fun with it! Invite your friends and family. Post updates, and don't forget to thank your supporters!

On behalf of the animals you have joined us to save by celebrating and holding a Facebook Fundraiser, thank you!

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