Quad Cities Animal Welfare Center

Saving animals one life at a time since 1977!

The mission of the QCAWC is to operate a shelter for homeless animals, to offer a spay and neuter program, and provide humane education.

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237 Animals saved this year alone.
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QCAWC sells low cost flea & heartworm preventatives!

QCAWC sells low cost flea & heartworm preventatives at both of our locations!


Low Cost Curbside Drive-Up Wellness Clinic

Low Cost Curbside Drive-Up Wellness Clinic from 8am to 11am.

Adopt Me!
Bella Da Bawl

Hi, I'm Bella Da Bawl

8 years
Adopt Me!

Hi, I'm Alonzo

16 years
Adopt Me!

Hi, I'm Della

4 years
Keep in Touch